Imagining what's possible in times of change

These days, there is a lot of change happening. From revised plans to potentially pivoting your business model, life may feel like it's a little up in the air right now. But don’t worry! Times of change, like a big life-decision or a pandemic such as the one we've experienced this year, can bring great challenges, you’ve just got to start dreaming up the possibilities. Through this blog post, we will help you discover what change in your life could look like and how it can be an exciting and thrilling time!

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Be Mindful 

When change comes around, take it as an opportunity for a fresh start. We rarely get to go back to square one, so take it and run with it! Be mindful that the change you are experiencing is important; although it may seem treacherous now, it could be your chance to catapult towards success. Reflect on the past: how have you previously adapted to change? Was it successful or unsuccessful? If it was successful, continue! If not, try something new - we promise it won’t hurt! 

Create a Vision Board

Getting inspired during times of change can help us get back on the right track. And now we have time to craft. A vision board is a tangible way to foster this inspiration. It can be many shapes and sizes. No magazines? No glue? No problem! A Pinterest board works, too. Whether your vision board is traditional, digital, has girl-boss quotes or pictures of puppies, create a vision board that will motivate you.

 How to create a vision board

Check out our blog post, Using a Vision Board for Laser-Sharp Focus, to learn about how to curate your own vision board!

Set Daily Intentions

Once you recognize the changes you are faced with, grab a pen, and write down your daily intentions. When change is unpredictable, your daily intentions can be something you control and focus on. They will keep you inspired by reminding you of your purpose. Whenever you feel lost or discouraged, taking a look at your daily intentions can help you feel motivated and uplifted. Once you get in the habit of making daily intentions, you won’t want to stop because you will see a boost in your mood, productivity, and success!

Take a look at our today notepad, where we have a spot for you to put your daily intentions. 

Set Goals: Short and Long Term

A change in your workplace, workspace, or work-pace is the perfect opportunity to set new goals. Maybe you crushed your goals in the past or maybe you didn’t quite accomplish them. Whatever the case, goal-setting is an important way to pursue new challenges. Set short and long term goals that are realistic, attainable, and make you feel excited. These goals will inspire you to create good habits and motivate you towards success. 

Academic Wall Planner by Ponderlily

Even though change can seem overwhelming, with the right attitude and the right tools, you can set the tone for success. Be sure to continue checking out our Instagram and the Journal for more resources and motivation to keep up with your goals! 

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