Guest Contributor Guidelines

We're so glad you're here! 
A little birdie tells me you have a fresh new perspective you'd like to share with our community! We care deeply the Journal, our blog, where we provide content that serves as a source of inspiration to our community. We love learning more about how we can help each other create a more sustainable lifestyle, from work to weekend, and everything in between. Please take a moment to review our Code of Content below. 

The Content we Publish

Our content is comprehensive, data-driven, and it aims to educate, encourage, and entertain our diverse audience to make space for what matters most. The ultimate goal of every content we publish in the Journal is to help the Ponderlily community to feel inspired towards living an intentional life, everyday. 

The Ponderlily Community

We love our community to bits. We're comprised of diverse women who do important work; whether that work is done at home taking care of family or running a business, at a sky-rise in a corporate setting, or often times, sometimes in both settings. 

Content Guidelines

  1. The content should be 100% original, ideally between 900-1200 words.
  2. Well researched with all supporting sources and examples, where needed. No copyrighted material permitted.
  3. Format your blog post for better readability and SEO. 
  4. Have an introduction that attracts interest and makes the reader want to read further and share with friends. 
  5. Please do not submit Sponsored Posts.

Suggested Content Topics

Our audience loves actionable ideas that they can put to use right away. We try to publish articles with a lot of such insights in the following areas:

  • Planning & organization
  • Career & Entrepreneurship
  • Green & sustainable living
  • Mindset& Mindfulness
  • Travel & Adventure 

Ponderlily’s Voice & Tone

The voice of the Ponderlily brand is warm, professional and ever-so-slightly sassyIt’s smart and savvy, but doesn’t shy away from an accomplished corporate professionalism, or whip-smart real talk. It effortlessly vacillates between boardrooms and cozy living rooms, whether clothed in a navy blue power suit, or broken in blue jeans—it’s all about balance. Keep these notes in mind when developing your guest blog post!

Formatting & Structure

When formatting your blog posts, keep in mind our reader. Our readers tend to be women on the go, so breaking up your content with headings and subheadings is welcomed to distinguish main points and takeaways. Consider this format when developing your content to share. 

Links & Attribution Information

  1. You can add relevant links to authority sites or sources wherever necessary. Ideally, the no. of links should be limited to 3-4 but, depending upon the length/type of the content it can be more.
  2. You can put one link to your website in your short introduction which we will publish along with the blog post.
  3. Forbidden links include, but are not limited to: Links to direct competitors, self-promotion, like products on your own site, and affiliate links.

Product Promotion

At Ponderlily, we love learning about how our customers use our products in their everyday life. Our blog posts aim to provide tangible takeaways and advice to our audience, but also to share products that could be the perfect pairing with the information shared. 

When drafting your blog post, be sure to cross-reference at least one Ponderlily product or article to your copy. We would love to hear about how your favorite product has impacted your life and helped you along the way! 

Guest Submission Process

Please send an email to the editor: Start the Subject line with GUEST POST

  1. Tell us who you are and what you do
  2. Add a couple of links to your best posts.
  3. Suggest your topic (ideally more than one) and state what value those topics will provide to the Ponderlily audience.
  4. Once we receive your request, we will contact you within 3 business days to communicate the outcome. 

Publication & Housekeeping

  1. Once published, we cannot delete articles. 
  2. We pre-schedule everything at least 3 months in advance (#plannersgonnaplan). That being said, we can still be flexible and accommodating your guest post, friend. Let us know what month your topic would be suited for and we'll do what we can to review, schedule, and develop graphics to promote your work.
  3. Ponderlily reserves the right to make minor edits to guest posts. These range from spelling and grammar, to adding a general Disclaimer when post may be leaning towards medical, financial, or legal advice. 
  4. If the content doesn’t fit our requirements, we will let you know. Content must be new and original (not previously published). Since your guest article is not sponsored content, Ponderlily has the right to remove links that appear to be sponsored/advertising.