2020 Goal Setting: How To Set Goals And Actually Stick With Them

As we ring in a new year, we all too often fall into the same rut. We are excited about our goals, we brainstorm new things we want to accomplish, but then life happens. We break New Year’s resolutions as quickly as we make them, feel guilty about our failure to complete them and then repeat the cycle of self-criticism.

But what if you could do something different this year to BE happier, healthier and more fulfilled? We all have the power to make small changes to better our world. You can break the cycle and follow through on those resolutions! Here are our top five ways you can live a more mindful and fuller life in 2020.

Dream Big

2020 Wall planner

When it comes to setting goals, don’t be afraid to dream BIG! While you are brainstorming your goals, ask yourself WHY you want what you want. Plus, ask yourself HOW you want to feel as you see yourself accomplishing your dreams. Getting in this mindset can really help you get excited and ready to take on your goals. Be sure to use the Inspiration section of your Ponderlily planner as a vision board.

Picture of Vision Board


Commit Pen to Paper

Picture of woman writing in a Ponderlily planner



Truly the fun part here! Create an inspiration hub that you see often: this could be a vision board, you could journal about this, or create a collage on Canva if you fancy the electronic route. Canva is a graphic design platform that's free to open an account and super easy.

Be as detailed as possible. Then spend five minutes each morning for a few days visualizing yourself achieving it. Let your mind focus on creating this vivid picture, right down to the last detail. You could add this tid-bit inside your Ponderlily planner or display on your desk in your office. Make it visible! 

In your pen to paper process, be sure to set those intentions and develop a game plan through priorities or milestones to move closer to your goals. Create benchmarks and due dates within your Ponderlily planner to keep you on track and accountable! 

Ask For Support

It is 100% okay to ask for help with your goals! You don’t have to do it all alone. Talk to a friend who loves their workout routine for help coming up with the best plan for you or a trusted mentor for business advice for your goals. Think of those around you to help! They may need some help with their goals too, so extend some assistance to them as well. Create a community for your goals! 

Celebrate Your Wins

This one is important! No matter how big or small, celebrate your wins! Allow yourself to enjoy your progress and let your celebrations serve as motivation to carry out the next goal you want to mark off the list. 

Your celebrations don’t have to be anything extremely extravagant, but certainly take time to treat yourself! You could book a massage or buy that bag you’ve been eyeing for weeks. You could also use rewards as a way to provide incentive for your goals but also serve as a way to celebrate that win! Have fun with this one! 

Write Down Your Lessons Learned

Most people tend to skip this part, but don’t! Reflecting on your journey to your goals can help you really appreciate your accomplishments, but also allow you to set yourself up for success with future goals. Record what worked vs. what didn’t or track your timeline. These notes can provide a guideline for your next goal setting session.

I’m telling you, 2020 is YOUR year.

With intentional planning and proper systems, you can get those goals set and accomplished in no time! 
Be sure to view our collection of 2020 Ponderlily Planners to discover a planner that works best for you and your lifestyle to create a sustainable schedule and incorporate some fun into your everyday.

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